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Messages to Canada
How is life in Toronto? If possible could you tell me what basic living conditions are like and the c...
Hey is there anyone from China or Korea on here? I"m thinking of going to either place for work and w...
Greetings, neighbors to the north! Do you think there's any possibility of an expansion of the Natio...
I was recently told that rats do not exist in Calgary. I've always thought that where there are huma...
Hello Quebec,
Aimez-vous notre site ?
Si vous avez des suggestions pour re...
Hello out there! Hope you are having a good day!
Ile kosztuje życie w Kanadzie (mam na myśli Toronto), oraz czy mieszkanie w samym centrum jest ok? Cz...
Just checking this out.
Hey everyone! I am new here! I am looking to connect with everyone around the world who are looking f...
Hi, is anyone out there?
El pueblo norteamericano en su mayoria cree en el fenomeno UFO???
Amo Canadá!! Porqué es tan bello este país???
About Odinism, Science, Climategate and 9-11
Trailer Park Boys has become one of my favorite shows. It's hilarious, and all the characters, even a...
esto esta genial (:B)
This was a GREAT game, I bet these girls can easily kick out most major football national teams. Sinc...
Greetings Harnu! I'm interested in talking about food, running and ballroom dancing.
Sign this petition for American Indians rights and preservation of land:
Is it true that winters in Vancouver are unbearable to the point that you're stuck inside your home a...
Is there any particularly good time on year to visit Toronto, because I want to visit some friends th...
This is so cool! I just got an PSN card code for FREE! :D
Proszę o nazwę najlepszej firmy która produkuje wykrywacze metali w ziemi. :-)
This is so cool! I just got an PSN card code for FREE! :D
This is so cool! I just got an PSN card code for FREE! :D
I wonder what peoples thoughts on Canada are.
i wonder how many users are on harnu? anyone from Alberta?
Have any Seattlites read the book "Where'd You Go Bernadette?" featured in the NYT today?
Hello Harnu, look forward to talking to the world!
Dwa lata temu znalazłem super piosenkę, której teraz nie mogę kompletnie sobie przypomnieć - a...
In case you're looking for some killer beats tonight, I surfed over to Turkey and found this. Turkis...
hey guys #hello
Looking forward to connecting.
Do you guys have socialized healthcare? How do you like it?
I have been keeping up to date with regards to this article.I have been reading that youth unemployme...
Hi all.
I'm a new user!! Hope I will like it!!! Maybe can you help me? Why do you love this social network an...
Vocês estão acompanhando as notícias sobre as manifestações no Brasil?
Hi world
Hello. I have just joined and love already that this is so ethnic and diverse. I am Chris from Canada...
This is how life looks like in Calgary today... Storm coming our way and airport on "lighting warning...
What are the best multi-day hikes in Canada?
I want to know about how life is for each country. Such as diversity, economics, government, the peop...
Seeks to reveal little known documents,Required Studies, Understanding Global Trends,Social Media, Go...
What Is the First Thing That Comes to Mind When U Hear the Word INDIA?
Some vistas defy the parameters of photography
Get Expert Computer Tech Support to make a PC error free. Know more @ 1-888-287-1902 or visit us at: ...
any one sell bitcoins
Hi! Is anyone, from anywhere in the world, interested in our native European ancestral religion, Odin...
This is pretty cool eh!
Seems Facebook started out connecting people but evolved to be a place for marketing companies to pol...
Greetings earthlings!, who likes to talk about photography?, I'm a full time photog!
Hello from Calgary!
I'm looking for a Japanese speaker who would be interested in a language exchange. I am currently lea...
Greetings to everyone from Canada!
Northernlion are you there? =p
anyone actually online?
Totally new to this site. Trying to get a handle on it.
-'s sooo cooold here!!!
leave me a message, if you want to say hi!
Who is watching the Olympics? Favourite sport?
Im currently doing final year ece in india.
i want to pursue higher studies(M.E) in uwaterloo..
any p...
Hi everyone. I just joined. Looking forward to learning about you and where you live. I live in Canad...
How do Canadians feel about Australians?
Ask me any philosophical question? The meaning of life, what happens when we die anything