Arturo G

Mx Mexico
(over 12 years ago)

Is it true that winters in Vancouver are unbearable to the point that you're stuck inside your home all day long?


Us United States
(over 12 years ago)

Not exactly (speaking for Seattle here, which is climatologically close). It is the case that some years we wind up with this protracted, nine-month-long, fall-winter-spring can't-tell-the-difference situation, where the high is 55 and the low 40 day after day after day. You're not stuck inside from snow so much as fatigued from the neverending gloom.

Probably why we drink a lot of coffee up here.


Us United States
(over 12 years ago)

Vancouver!? Sometimes it's like that in New York. :D


Ca Canada
(over 12 years ago)

Que tal Arturo, claro que no, pero como siempre dicen, depende a quien le preguntes. En Canada en Vancouver tenemos los veranos mas calientes, comparado con el resto del pais. Casi no cae nieve y no hace frio, raramente baja a menos de 0 grados. Ahora, si le preguntas a alguien que venga de Mexico que solo ha vivido aqui probablemente la pasen mal el primer invierno, pero Vancouver y Seattle tienen los inviernos mas calidos de todo el paralelo 49 :)

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