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Hello, every one how are you doing
Chciałbym wypocząć na waszym wybrzeżu w hotelu z dobrym kortem tenisowym. Bardzo proszę o propozycje....
How many locals in Istanbul shop at the Grand Bazaar? Is it more of a place for tourists? Also, is ...
News stories here have been sparse over the past week with regards to the situation between Syria and...
bu ne garip bir site
Selam gençlik
Hej hej!
Merhaba AGT :)
Soft-landing is a good thing - are you glad you're not yoked to a common EUR currency?
nabıyonuz lan :D
Selam Millet..
My Moon Innovative Company
time to work!
This trial seems quite troubling. Is it the case that Islamic values are becoming a more common facet...
Is January a nice time to visit Turkey?
Eventually, I would like to visit Istanbul. What is a good time of year to go, and besides the Golden...
Up for a one day stay in Istambul What shouldn't I miss?
Hello friends in Turkey. In Seattle, we have a Turkish Festival going on this month that includes a f...
Başarılı bir sistem ama Türkiye'den aktif kullanıcı yok sanırım... Kimler burada? Kaç kişiyiz?
What is the one thing Americans should know about how to make a proper cup of coffee?
Hola! me gustaría hablar con alguna persona de esta ciudad. :D
Ben geldim yine yine yeniden
nabersiniz yarakımlar :D
türkler hariç ne yapıyorsunuz orospu çocukları :D
yeaah man what'S up :D
hiii :D
hallo harnuuuu :D
What do people in Turkey know about the Idle No More protests in Canada?
Where is the best aikido dojo in Istanbul?
I love this area. The scuba diving and hiking are incredible.
First trial from Turkey :)
glup glup glup
Merhaba dünyalılar
Emergan Park . Istanbul
Beautiful city!!!