How long is a farry ride from Swinoujscie to any town in Sweden? Do you think this will be a fun thing to do to go from Poland to Sweden for a day? Thanks for your help!
Jest to bardzo fajna sprawa. W Świnoujściu wsiadasz na statek i płyniesz parę godzin (około 3-5) więc najlepiej wycieczkę zacząć bardzo wcześnie by wieczorem na spokojnie wrócić :)
There are ferries twice a day (at noon and some time in evening 10pm as far as I remember). Both to Ystad / Sweden. It takes 7 hours to get there. Unfotrunatelly 10 years have passed since duty-free shops and bars are no more due to EU integration. ;-)
Check here for details:
Hope it helps.