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Messages to Poland
How long is a farry ride from Swinoujscie to any town in Sweden? Do you think this will be a fun thin...
Hi I found this music on Bandcamp. What Polish music would you recommend for me?
What are the requirements in order to vote in Poland? What age? Do you need a voter's card? Do you ha...
Do you think young Polish people who emigrated to other countries to find jobs would ever come back t...
Are there any arboretums in Poland?
Hola Polonia!! quien quiere hacer amistad con un mexicano viviendo en Estados Unidos? :) Saludos! me ...
Gotta love this new world of tech
What do you think of the Supreme Court decision in the United States allowing health care for uninsur...
What are people saying in Poland about the economy? What do people think the outlook for the future ...
Where is the best place in Poland to go downhill mountain biking
Dzień dobry! Jak się macie? ;)
This is great. This is good and it was great to access this song so easily. Previously, the way I wou...
Apa yang terjadi dengan islam di Indonesia saat ini?
Lepiej z mądrym zgubić niż z głupim znaleźć
Hi, anyone from Lodz here?...
Ta da :D
Witam wszystkich miłośników motocykli i historii! Ruszył XII Rajd Katyński! Bądźmy razem z nimi
As a mom of two young children, I spend a lot of time thinking about how to make the world a better p...
I recently read a newspaper article about Witold Pilecki who volunteered to be an Auschwitz inmate. ...
Nasza Zosia uwielbia ta muzyke:) #music
HEYA POLSKA!!! SIEMANKO z Florida!! Kocham was!
- Arkadiusz Mlynarski z Iwoniczu/Krosno
Всем привет, очень рад человеку, который хочет попутешествовать следующей весной... #travel
Einherjar is distributing gift codes on OnRPG, a prestigous online game portal. Claim now everyone ^^...
Miłośnikom muzyki heavy metal, polecam młody ,dobrze zapowiadający się zespół z Wrocławia - Polska. P...
Merry Christmas from Ohio, United States. I love Poland because my grandmother was from Stanislaw Go...
How is the weather?
Plants Vs. Zombies Garden Warfare Finaly Released !
Kopiec ... piękne widoki :D
I want to know about how life is for each country. Such as diversity, economics, government, the peop...
Znakomita strona, jakże wielki mój zachwyt :D
I'd like to learn about the native beliefs of your country (pagan gods, folklore, etc.). Especially i...
Wybierz i wygraj iPhone 5!
Uczestniczyć, aby mieć szansę na wygraną!