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Ok, wow! Mirel Wagner from Finland? I really like this. How famous is she in Finland? Any other music...
How is the mood of the people with regard to the economy these days?
Hi there. What is a typical warm vacation destination for people that leave in Finland? Thanks.
hello world
I fucking love this place
How's life in finland ? I want to go study over there, what's the differnce between finland and othe...
Apa yang membuat Finland menjadi negara yang terbaik dalam dunia pendidikan? Bagaimana sistem pendidi...
Hello! What is it like working in Scandinavia during the months when there is little sunlight?
About Odinism, Science, Climategate and 9-11
My name is Beth and I am a Social Studies teacher in Nebraska. Two of my students are collecting info...
Happy Ostara! About Odinism, our native European relgion.
Anyone want to answer a few questions on the indigenous people in your country? #culture
Best city I have ever been! It is incredible how much a friendly city is it! Helsinki is small and ve...
Kas on keegi sõudja soomest siin?
Hi, just signed up. Any primary schools interested in doing Skype-sessions with primary schools in th...
Merry Christmas to all. I just wanted to stop by and say Hello. I've been a fan of knives for a lon...
It's just a simple and friendly question: What do you guys think is America in general? I want to kno...
Just to say hello (I just joined Härnu to test this) - this is what it looked like, when I went to wo...