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Messages to China
How to I get a driver from Kunming to Dali?
Hello! I'm new here. Nice to see people around the globe. I'm Mann of the Philippines.
Kami di Indonesia,khususnya di Aceh, mempunyai tambang Limestone. Apakah ada dr china ada yg mau beri...
Od lat choruję na żoładek. Interesuję się dietetyką. Byłbym wdzięczny za informacje na temat chińskie...
I am a computer coordinator at a middle school in the United States and am the advisor for our Pay It...
Hello from Seattle Washington, USA. #hello
The Black Five: 1) human rights lawyers, 2) underground churches and religions, 3) dissidents, 4) onl...
Hello China, I'm looking to make contact with English language centers, schools and teachers to build...
What do you know about African Food? What about Zimbabwean food? Talk with us and find out more. Chec...
Bonjour de Chine !
In Hong Kong on Aug. 22-23. Any ides on good restaurants on Kowloon side?
What type of clothing are Shanghai tailors best known for?
Hello Härnu, this is a video of a faceless person singing from a Shanghai restroom. :)
Lyrics and vo...
lloviendo en el lado este del Pacífico...
What dreams do you have for your life?
¿donde están las Pirámides secretas de China?
Has anyone had any experiences using the 48-hour visa free option for visiting Shanghai?
Does anyone know if there is an official department in Kashgar to complain about trade companies' mis...
I am interested to know: what is the number one communication straegy driving sales at your company t...
Hi! What is the weather like today?
As a mom of two young children, I spend a lot of time thinking about how to make the world a better p...
any teachers in the world? i teach jr. high school and my students want to know about the world. we'd...
Hola, ¿que es lo primero que viene a tu mente cuando piensas en España?
Einherjar is distributing gift codes on OnRPG, a prestigous online game portal. Claim now everyone ^^...
Students are discussing the importance of time in the United States. How does the Chinese culture vie...
Hola!, alguien que hable español?
I wonder, what's the general image of Germany and German inhabitants in China? What comes to your min...
I want to know about how life is for each country. Such as diversity, economics, government, the peop...
I would be interested in hearing how those in China and other Asian countries celebrate Chinese New Y...
Hello, im searching for someone who can help me with some chinese traduction---!
Hi China! Bom dia =D
how is it
Could some one tell me what is this about??? I just don't get it... What's the point of send message ...
How is everything going there?
very good, can I share a link?