
Pl Poland
(about 12 years ago)

Co Amerykanie myślą o swoim systemie socjalnym?


Us United States
(about 12 years ago)

Very divided opinions. A lot of people call our President's attempts to pass health care reform "Obamacare", and think it means Obama is trying to make us into a socialist country. "Socialist" is basically a curse word here to a lot of folks.

One thing everyone has in common: people generally expect our social security system to collapse. There have been surveys that show more people believe in UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects, or aliens from outer space) than think Social Security will still be around to pay them a retirement when they are old.


Us United States
(almost 12 years ago)

Hi Terenia,

I think our social system needs to serve people equally. As it stands now, only the wealthy have access to quality healthcare, quality education and career opportunities. The rest of us, the common people, have to take on large debts for health and education. Change will happen when those with privilege give up some of their power and those who lack equal opportunity fight for their rights and demand change. Obama was the first step in the rigth direction.

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