
Gb United Kingdom
(almost 12 years ago)

In your opinion where would you consider to be the worst place to live in America and what are your reasons?


Us United States
(almost 12 years ago)

Anywhere in the South would be bad in my opinion - Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia etc. Too many uneducated people, deep-seated racism (both ways), high crime rates, boring topology, high risk of hurricanes, and the weather is awfully hot and humid.


Us United States
(almost 12 years ago)

Wow. Never really thought about it in those terms - usually just think in terms of where I would like to live! (I'm in Seattle now).

I suppose I don't have much interest in the midwest. Scorching summers, freezing winters, flat land, very conservative, and not a lot of employment options - not a great combination.


Us United States
(almost 12 years ago)

I think Detroit, Michigan, honestly. My reasons: the economy is horrid; the summers are hot and the winters are desperately cold; the politics are ultra-corrupt, and the relationships between the racial groups are among the worst in the nation. I also think the crime is really tough. I literally have never heard of anyone who either lives there or has moved there that has good things to say. Would be interested to know what other answers you get!


Us United States
(almost 12 years ago)

I would say Detroit, Michigan. Reason is firstly, the economic situation is in dire straights there with the auto industry not doing too great, secondly the weather is some of the worst in the country with heavy winter snow and lake effect winds, and thirdly the crime is relatively high (probably as a result of the economic situation). Of course the up-side is that you can pick up a residence for very cheap, but then who wants to live there?


Us United States
(almost 12 years ago)

I'm in Oregon, Not too bad here, 3.5 million people in the same area as the UK, lots of cycling, brilliant state parks, skiing, beaches, hydro power, intel, nike, adidas, sunny summer. Just need to get some gun laws and a sensible health care system!


Us United States
(almost 12 years ago)

The American South... though I don't want to offend anyone who lives there by explaining why.


Us United States
(almost 12 years ago)

Any small town. Small towns usually equally stubborn, conservative, unwilling to change, and a little ignorant. In my opinion the worst places to live would be the south and the midwest.

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