
Pl Poland
(almost 12 years ago)

Kto wygra wybory prezydenckie, demokrata czy republikanin? Co będzie lepsze dla Ameryki?


Us United States
(almost 12 years ago)

I am of liberal persuasion, so I deeply believe that Obama is much better for the United States and the world. This is true for issues such as women's rights, environmental concerns, guns, and middle class and poorer citizens. I also think that the current president--Obama--can accomplish much more in a second term. However, I believe the race will be very close.


Us United States
(almost 12 years ago)

mam nadzieje ze demokrata:-)


Us United States
(almost 12 years ago)

Democrat. Obama will win comfortably. If the Republicans win, it will be disaster for this country. We can't afford four more years of wealth consolidation in the hands of the super rich.

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