
Us United States
(over 10 years ago)

Why do europeans think poorly on americans?


Us United States
(about 10 years ago)

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Lb Lebanon
(about 10 years ago)

Actually It s not only europeens! in my opinion the way hollywood portrayed the americans (the typical american blondie, the alcoholic violent american man ) really damaged the way people look at americans, as well the political influence and decisions of the united states in general is not always favorable by others that means that the majority of americans are actually fine by it which makes it harder to have an idea of how people truly are. Only new york survived this kind of prejudice becoz as well movies always portrayed new yorkers as the intellectuals in the country. Television and media had a big influence on how we perceive other countries, people, relationships but it cannot be all true !


In India
(over 9 years ago)

Well!! "Think" or to be more Precise Perceptions are based on Interactions,Interactions like what we see and hear. We see in the world Media Americans being busy with war for peace keeping on the planet. We see Hollywood , We see Porn. Based on the above they judge Americans

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