Hi there. People talk about Switzerland bing very liberal but how about people? Are they open, friendly and welcoming to foreigners that move there for jobs? Thanks.
I am not from Switzerland and it is difficult to generalize but as you have very open and friendly people they are not so open to everybody.
They ( the Swiss people) tend to be more private than Americans or even other Europeans. Once you are welcomed into a group or by a family, that can open your world and your experience in CH...but really, no, I would say, they are not so open to foreigners, esp since they don't want to give away their own jobs to people moving into their country. I guess it would also depend on where you are as to how liberal you find them. I find them very Germanic, very 'comme il faut'.
Yo viví allí algunos años. A decir verdad, encuentro que en la forma de relacionarse con los demás tienden a ser muy estructurados y distantes, aunque muy amables.No son muy expresivos de sus emociones. Quizá una de las cosas que me sorprendió, fue la forma de referirse a otros naciones, como "los países de allá abajo". Esto claro sin intención de ofender, sino como una manifestación natural en su idioma (en ese caso francés).
I'm from Switzerland and I think jeanne c is quite right. Since we have a lot of foreigners in our country we're a bit sceptical towards others! But that also depends on the region you live! In the cities people are used to strangers but in the countryside (where i come from) they're not that open - at least not in the beginning! I also think it depends how foreigners behave - if they can adapt our habits and rules they are integrated sooner! But once in our heart, we will love you forever haha... :D