
Us United States
(about 10 years ago)

What painting/ art work inspires you?

60hz hum

In India
(about 10 years ago)

what's close to nature is inspiring for me ^__^


Pl Poland
(about 10 years ago)

hmmm.... It's quite question. Portrait of Matisse by Derain and of course, all of nature just like 60hz hum.


Us United States
(about 10 years ago)

Probably Munch's Skrik. Most of the time I am less inspired by painting than I am by the artists that create them . I do like to look at interesting things like Dali, but it is hard to say that they emotionally touch me. Skrik speaks to me about isolation and despair and touches a nerve. In my youth it was more Empathetic, now I would say more sympathetic, but still touches a nerve nonetheless


Nl Netherlands
(over 9 years ago)

The brown artwork that i see every day in my toilet ;-)

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