
De Germany
(almost 11 years ago)

Is it true, that most of your food is vegan?


In India
(almost 11 years ago)

Not really.

Firstly, there are plenty of meat eaters in the country and many dishes whose primary ingredient is a meat or a seafood. Secondly, many dishes that don't have meat or fish are considered vegetarian rather than vegan as they may contain milk, butter or cheese.

Having said that, there are many dishes that may be considered vegan even if they're not called so. A lot of curries and dals (lentil-based dishes) may contain few or no animal products and are cooked in vegetable-based oils. Other dishes often just contain small amounts of butter or cheese which can be easily removed upon request.


De Germany
(almost 11 years ago)

Wow, thanks for the answer! :)

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