Isaac Wibberg

Us United States
(over 10 years ago)

Can anyone help me learn Portuguese?


Br Brazil
(about 10 years ago)

Hi Isaac. I am from Minas Gerais , Brasil. What do you want to learn in portuguese? verbs, basic conversation? I'll be happy to help. Let's begin with : Nice to meet you --> Prazer em conhecer você. Then you take você ( you ) from the sentence and add -lo( wich means you ). The sentence now turns too : Prazer em conhecê-lo ( It's polite, it's the standard way to say it). See you later --> Até a próxima.

Oussama Djeghim

Dz Algeria
(about 10 years ago)

Arabic if you want


Br Brazil
(about 10 years ago)

Portuguese is quite different from English. For example, our verbs are all flexed for all persons. A simple example: I am - Eu sou you are - você é or tu és he, she, it is - ele/ela é we are - nós somos you are - vocês são or vós são they are - eles or elas são

If you plan to learn the basics just for a trip back here, it'll be relativaley easy; but, if you desire to be fluent in the language, it'll cost you 1 or 2 years. But the good news is, after you're fluent, you'll be able to understand almost everything said in Spanish too.

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