
De Germany
(about 11 years ago)

So I´m going to travel the eastern states in Summer, and I´m wondering if they make a really big deal out of alcohol there. I´m 15 years old and here in Germany, it´s ok if I like order a coffee and my dad orders a cocktail, and afterwards, we obviously switch. On the beaches (Spain and so on) they don´t even care that much and you can order whatever you want even if you´re obviously like 12. But the states are something different of course and I heard you guys are reeeeally serious about the topic... So what do you say? :)


Us United States
(almost 11 years ago)

In most states it is illegal to sell or provide alcohol to a minor. In some states that is 21, others 18.


Us United States
(almost 11 years ago)

Yeah it's a bigger deal here than most places in the world. Be careful !


Us United States
(almost 11 years ago)

If you have your guardian/parent with you, they can order you a drink and you will be fine. But if you are by yourself not the best idea to even try.

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