
Us United States
(about 11 years ago)

Hello Kenyan friends, I am looking for information on malaria. I have recently joined Ray Chambers' mission to end Malaria and want to do my little bit for it. Is there anyone out there with a story around malaria? Either having been affected by it or having overcome it? I would like to bring your story to Mr Chambers' attention. THey believe they can use the story to rally for more attention and funds to fight malaria.

Please join me in telling the story. I will be happy to write your story for you. I ask that the story be genuine and authentically narrated.


Us United States
(almost 11 years ago)

I can link you with some people to connect with in Kenya... get in touch. I too imagine there are ways this can be done. I wish to do my part through music. Do you all need a song to put a melody to the movement?


Us United States
(almost 11 years ago)
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