
Ee Estonia
(about 12 years ago)

Mis toimub siis mujal maailmas?


Us United States
(about 12 years ago)

Cold here in Seattle! My hands and ears were freezing cycling into work this morning :-)

How's Estonia today?!


Au Australia
(about 12 years ago)

Settling in for a hot summer. Trying to stay in the shade as much as possible. What's going on in Estonia?


Ee Estonia
(about 12 years ago)

Hetkel on Eestis 4*C, seega küllalt jahe. Peagi on saabumas talv rohke lumega! :) Esimene lumi sadas juba maha vahepeal, aga seda vaid korraks. Nüüd on see sulanud! :)


Eg Egypt
(over 11 years ago)

that is not happening around you!


Us United States
(over 11 years ago)

Well, some captured girls were saved in Cleveland, There are some floods in Houston, and there was an earth quake in Mexico sometime this past week

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