
Us United States
(over 11 years ago)

Today on CNN's home page: coverage of the Chinese air force's new stealth jet. This piece really has it all - everything from nationalism (ours is better!) to blatant attempts to make people afraid (it'll be fully operational in 2 to 4 years! There's only one country you plan to use a plane like this against - the United States!)

Here's my point of view: I don't care. I just don't care whether China's stealth technology is five years behind ours, or fifteen, or twenty-five. What I do care about, and think is relevant, is how governments control their citizens' access to information. I suspect that in China, as here, this sort of thing is first and foremost a deliberate distraction.

Something to think about, the next time you see a fly-over of US military aircraft before a professional football game.

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