
Us United States
(over 11 years ago)

As a mom of two young children, I spend a lot of time thinking about how to make the world a better place. I have a lot of concern about the state of our global society – a society that we will ultimately leave to our children. I think one way to develop a more peaceful, accepting and truly global world may begin with the values/beliefs/ethics we instill in our children at a very young age. As a parent, what are the three most important values you want to teach your children?

We live in vastly different places around the world, and as parents are faced with unique circumstances and challenges. Some of us raise our children in the midst of war, poverty or wealth. Some of us shape our children’s identities despite discrimination, innate social structures, and all sorts of turmoil. In light of these differences, I am fascinated to see if there are similarities amongst the values/beliefs/ethics we hope to teach our children, as we raise them in a truly global society.



Br Brazil
(over 11 years ago)

I am the father of three children and live in Brazil. I think as you Tamara, we need to teach values to our children very early. I think a fairer world is possible only if we can educate children who are respected more, respect more the next, that they may see in the other a way to find their own happiness, and not taking things, buying things, consuming products. The world is driven by the logic of capitalist consumption, this is the main source of our ills.

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