
Gb United Kingdom
(over 11 years ago)

Discussions around the issue of racism in Singapore are never complete if we don't recognise the problem within our own society.


Us United States
(over 11 years ago)

Really interesting post @kixes. I think there are some similarities here in the U.S. where I think also there's a reluctance to openly talk about racism. For example, I'm sure President Obama has had to stifle his desire to talk about racial inequality for fear of coming across as "too black" and therefore alienating a white majority.

Just this week, Colin Powell endorsed President Obama for a second term and the former Governor of New Hampshire (and a Romney aide) suggested that Powell endorsed Obama because he was black. That he expressed such an opinion is obviously bad, but I suspect he was simply the only one in the Republican party foolish enough to say it out loud to the media.


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