When will Harnu have a mobile app?
Hi ccioffi - we are designing a mobile #harnu experience even as I write this! No release date to announce yet, but stay tuned...
Cheers, Paul
That's a good point. ccioffi - would love to get your take on what mobile experience you think would be awesome for the Harnu mobile application!
I'll have to put some thought into your question. I try to login to Harnu everyday and start conversations or respond others. At it's most basic the app would need to have the ability to select regions, browse posts, select ongoing conversations, etc. The experience and execution is key, which is why I would take my time with developing it and getting early users as testers. I would keep the community informed with your progress and open a forum for input when you are ready. This is a communications tool with a unique advantage of breaking down the language barrier. I would focus on communications first, community second.
Looking forward to the mobile app! In no particular order I'd like to see: - # of new users and where they came from - instant report on my harnus (likes, response, views, etc). - harnus of the day, ranked by most popular.
And, how about spell check?! :)
e nunos dias me comprare un smartphone + android , seria muy bueno tener harnu portatil!!
Need one for Windows 8 Mobile! Great idea.