
Es Spain
(about 12 years ago)

¿Aún no os habéis ido?

Siempre he pensado que vivir toda la vida en el mismo sitio es como ir a un buffet libre y comer solo un plato


Us United States
(about 12 years ago)

Have you lived your life in one place?


Es Spain
(about 12 years ago)

I've moved twice but i've never spent more than some months out there so... I guess this is something that needs to be fixed


Us United States
(about 12 years ago)

That graph sort of says it all...


Us United States
(about 12 years ago)

Have you traveled much outside of Spain? From your location, it seems that you live in a very beautiful place.


Es Spain
(about 12 years ago)

I was working in airlines for long time and I've allways liked to travel on my own. But i've just visited airports in USA, on my way to south america.


Es Spain
(about 12 years ago)

World is soooo BIG and there are so many interesting things out there..


Es Spain
(about 12 years ago)

El mundo es como un libro, si no te mueves es como si sólo leyeras una página. A mi me encanta viajar, he viajado ya por bastantes sitios de Sudamérica y parte de África.

Y en cuanto genere ingresos pasivos suficientes me voy a dar la vuelta al mundo. Tenemos un planeta muy bonito y hay que descubrirlo todo! :)


Es Spain
(about 12 years ago)

Pues suerte con ello, Dani! :)


Es Spain
(about 12 years ago)

Muchas gracias Octarina :)

Hay que moverse... como el planeta... como el universo... como la vida... :)


Ph Philippines
(almost 12 years ago)

How is more important than where. If you can find happiness in a place why change it?

I suppose change is good now and then for that different flavor. Can't live on bread alone as they say.

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