
Us United States
(over 11 years ago)

An a journalist/columnist writing about local/global issues in Seattle, WA USA. I'm writing an article about the different ways young people (roughly 18-35) are experiencing the global economic downturn in different parts of the world. Let me know if you have an experience/testimonial you'd like to share!


Us United States
(over 11 years ago)

What a fantastic use for Harnu! I'm going to pop this over to my FB wall and see if anyone wants to join up and chat to you as well.


Us United States
(over 11 years ago)

Awesome Brent, thanks!


Pl Poland
(over 11 years ago)

Global economy affects whole world - In my country and countrys where I travell (Germany, Italy) are right now very diffrent then before he "crisis". First of all, people don't spend money as they did before - there is a plus from that situation (people started to save some money for worse days) but there is a problem for small company's (like shops with "everything for 1 $" and so on) becuase mostly - their customers stopped to make such a shopping - as it is taken as "waste of money" nowadays. So generally - there is a huge adventage, because people started to respect their money much more, but it has huge disadventage for small bussines (despite that - always smaller purchases affects negative economy). I'm quite young person (23 years), so I might not be good example, but I have to work in one company and also have 2 my own company's to live normally (I mean have enough money) so "cirsis" is very crappy situation for people like me.

PS. I'm sorry for my english, I need to practise it and I hope you can understand me :)

Best Regards!


Pl Poland
(over 11 years ago)

Czesc, Jak najbardziej widoczne jest także w naszym kraju spowolnienie gospodarcze co przekłada się w dużym stopniu na wzrost bezrobocia w naszym kraju, niestety dotyka ono najbardziej młodych ludzi, którzy nie moga znalesc obiecujacej dla siebie pracy i spotkałam sie z formułowaniem, że własnie ci młodzi ludzie nazywani są obecnie dość brutalnie, straconym pokoleniem w naszym kraju. Jak młody człowiek ma znalesc satysfacjonujace dla siebie prace gdzie rynek oferuje im głownie prace na umowe zlecenie , praktyki , staze które sa bezpłatne!!!! . Mam 27 lat obecnie nie pracuje wychowuje córeczke ale mam znajomych w wieku 25-35 czesc z nich mimo wykształcenia i doświadczenia nie moga znalesc satyfacjonujacej dla siebie pracy, a co dopiero ludzie ponizej 25 roku życia . Uważam iż nalezałoby zaczac podejmować konkretne działania naprawcze chociażby zwiekszyc ilosc miejsc pracy, zwiekszyć uruchamianie programów, które skierowane byłyby do osób ponizej 27 roku zycia, które mogłyby zapewnić im płynna mozliwosc rozpoczecia kariery zawodowej zaraz po zakonczeniu studiów można było by wyliczac i wyliczac szereg sposobów.....ale rzady zarówno naszego kraju jak i innych bagatelizuja sprawe 


Gb United Kingdom
(over 11 years ago)

I hope this lets you see what is happening in #Scotland.We have high unemployment at the moment and it does not seem to getting any better.


Us United States
(over 11 years ago)

Thank you so much for all of these thoughtful (and very helpful) comments. I'm particularly interested in how the experiences of my peers in other parts of the world matches up with what we're struggling with here (how is it worse, better, different and the same) and you all have provided really relevant examples. Thanks again and looking forward to hearing more! (I'll be sure and post the article link here once it's complete)!

Roko Arraez

Ve Venezuela
(over 11 years ago)



Us United States
(over 11 years ago)

Hi everyone! Here's the column I ended up writing re: young ppl and the economy. Thank you so much for your help--your insights were great, Harnu is great!


Us United States
(over 11 years ago)

Brilliant piece, Sarah. Nice work!


Us United States
(over 11 years ago)



Us United States
(about 10 years ago)

I am Japanese but I live in Brooklyn. We make do with what we have, have wild dreams, and work to achieve them. The artistic cultural movement is inspiring and mind elevating. We are forced to understand hard work in a culture where laziness is glorified. We are fighting for change. Remember we are trying to see the world 60-80 years from now, not 10-20 years later, which is all that the old guys in charge can see.

capitan derwolf

Mx Mexico
(about 10 years ago)

me interesa el tema. voy a trabajar en ello y le mandare una respuesta adecuada


In India
(over 8 years ago)

Hi, What you would like to know? willing to be part of your article.

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