
Co Colombia
(over 11 years ago)

Hello Looking for persons who would like to share their spiritual life experiences. Thank you


Us United States
(over 11 years ago)

Hi Konkis. It looks like no one has answered yet, so I thought I might say something. I've experimented and read about a lot of different religions and spiritual practices. I usually find that I like to take a little bit from each experience and from each way of thinking but I never agree with any of them wholly.

I find that I tend to prefer physical spiritual experiences - things like yoga, or meditation - that connect the mind to the body. Now I feel hypocritical because although I very much enjoy them, I don't tend to seek them out very often.

My most intense experiences have been with other people. When I was in college, a fellow student of mine invited me to a house of friends of hers. I can't remember the name of the practice they did, but I think it was kind of like "Reiki". They told me they were drawing energy up from the Earth and sending it out through their hands into our bodies, and they touched our heads and shoulders and neck. It was like a light massage. When this happened to me, I went into a trance like state. I had been sick with a virus earlier that week and my body was tired and overworked. The man who was using his "energy healing" on me told the other people in the room that I was drawing the energy out of him quickly, that my body was very receptive of it.

When I was in this trance like state, I felt like I was upside down even though I could still feel that I was laying down on the table. I heard things that were like thoughts, except they weren't in any language. It was repeating like a mantra, just saying "it's all the same stuff". After, I thought I must have been dreaming and it's possible, but I've had so many experiences like this from meditation that I think it must come from somewhere. I felt very connected to the Universe.

What are your experiences? Do you feel connected to the universe?


Co Colombia
(over 11 years ago)

Hello Ambernikki

Thank you for your sharing. And would like to know more of them if you feel like doing it.

I'm just investigating the theme ..because I really fell conected with the Universe. I think that all in One have a representatioan of the Universe and vice versa. I can't clearly identify wich is which .. but I feel like that.

What do you think? Take care


Us United States
(over 11 years ago)

I believe that every religious and spiritual experience and believe is a different shade of the same color. I think every characteristic - good and bad - represents aspects of life and existence, and it's all the same thing. I think Love, God, and The Universe are all different words for the same thing. The way that it manifests is in how we interact with each other and with the world around us. Some people talk about "being Godly" or having "god work through them" when they mean miracles, or people doing selfless, kind things. I think compassion is a spiritual understanding. The ability to empathize is a loving trait. It is connection to the universe.

I don't believe God is a person. I think God is a process. The Universe is an interlocking system. I believe in evolution, I believe in group psychology, and I think religious traditions and spiritual practices are just different flavors that people prefer to taste while they touch the same thing - the Universe.


Us United States
(over 11 years ago)

Did you take that picture?


Us United States
(over 11 years ago)

It's an interesting question. Here's one answer: I took this picture at dawn on the north side of Mt. Rainier, here in Washington. We were about 12000 feet up, and had been climbing all night long. Climbing in the dark is kind of grim business - I spent a lot of time asking myself things like "why am I here, anyway? Why am I doing this?"

But then the sun came up. Spiritual? I don't know. Maybe.


Co Colombia
(over 11 years ago)

Well Ambernikki, Fantastic answer ... i feel reaaly close to your VIEW. And yes I took the picture. add another

Paul Thanks for your aproach...and i guess you had like a spiritual awkening....great experience Regards


No Norway
(over 9 years ago)

I joined a session of open-eye meditation once. We were a group of 15 persons sitting in a dimly lit room. In front of us, sat the leader of the session. One after one, he looked us directly in the eyes for about 30 seconds. Each one of us would always focus on his one eye.Gradually, his body became pure light (as I saw it). Very intense and interesting experience.

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