
My Malaysia
(about 12 years ago)

Has anyone else give a thought about other dimensions existing in the universe?


Us United States
(about 12 years ago)

Can't say that I've given a lot of thought to the idea of other dimensions, but now that I've begun to, I have questions. Like: What are dimensions? I mean i know that height, width, depth, and time are the four out of ten or eleven possible dimensions we're aware of. But, are dimensions defined by their ability to be measured, or by something else? And why can't we seem to perceive them? Does that have anything to do with how they're defined? Is a dimension a thing, or a property of a thing? If it's a property and if properties are not things, how can the remaining unseen dimensions be, as some theorize, curled up so small that we can't see them? I'm thinking only things can be curled up. Anyway, I've rambled on too much.


Us United States
(about 12 years ago)

much thought..came to the conclusion that I can't know, maybe never will. but the possibilities are literally endless


Sg Singapore
(about 12 years ago)

Whatever is conceivable exist. :)


My Malaysia
(about 12 years ago)

Thanks for the reply everyone :) This question is to test what kind of response/mentalities that are using Harnu. And it help me to conclude that I like this social network.


Es Spain
(about 12 years ago)

I'm truly convinced that it's real. Don't understanding things doesn't mean it doesn't exist


Us United States
(about 12 years ago)

Great to have you here Chelsea and looking forward to seeing more thought-provoking messages from you (and of course learning about Malaysia)!


Co Colombia
(about 12 years ago)

penetrando dentro de la mente y transformando la forma de ver la realidad es posible adentrarse dentro de nuevas dimensiones.


My Malaysia
(about 12 years ago)

Thanks to everyone's comments and especially Dundonian, it's a pleasure to read from you. It's wonderful to be able to share opinions about the similar question I raised on Harnu.


Ee Estonia
(about 12 years ago)

world best explain of other dimentions in reality i recommend thist 7 seminar materials, this is world perfect material


Es Spain
(about 12 years ago)

Hace poco pude ver en You tube un vídeo que explicaba muy bien la paradoja de las dimensiones, donde personas encerradas en dos dimensiones no podían llegar a percibir a personas que estaban en tres dimensiones por que sencillamente no tenían la capacidad de ver hacia arriba, creo e imagino que el tema sobre mas dimensiones va por ahí. El hecho que las podamos percibir no significa que no existan. Considero que tienen que haber muchas dimensiones y universos distintos a lo conocido, simplemente no encontramos las puertas hacía ellos.


My Malaysia
(about 12 years ago)

Thank you for writing. This is getting a bit more like Inception the movie now, hahaha.


Ph Philippines
(about 12 years ago)

Definitely. For me the universe is infinite that way.

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