Janet Granda

Co Colombia
(over 12 years ago)

Hi there I am a teacher and I wanna improve English through this site. #language


Us United States
(over 12 years ago)

Hi Janet -

Welcome to Harnu! How would you like for us to help you with improving your English?



Us United States
(over 12 years ago)

Yes, how can we help?

Janet Granda

Co Colombia
(over 12 years ago)

Thanks for your prompt response. I good way could be talking more often with native speakers.


Us United States
(about 12 years ago)

What would you like to talk about? Tell us about life in Colombia! Is it pretty there? What age do you teach?

Janet Granda

Co Colombia
(about 12 years ago)

I will be moving to Missoula, Mt in a few weeks. I will be teaching Spanish from Prek-8th grade. i am very excited!


Us United States
(about 12 years ago)

Hi Janet, congratulations on the new job. I just read this article about a female mariachi band in Colombia. Pretty cool stuff :-)


Josh Cole

Us United States
(about 12 years ago)

Hi Janet. Have you thought about documenting your experience in Montana? A couple ways might be to blog in English or keep a Youtube journal. I can talk to the editors at ThirDecade.com. I'm sure you could use the site as your platform.

Janet Granda

Co Colombia
(about 12 years ago)

I used to have a blog from wordpress for my classes. But I donĀ“t know anything about the youtube journal. How does it work? Thanks Josh

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