If there was one thing you could instantly change about your country, what would you choose? #culture
Difficult to point out to just 1 thing, however it would the attitude of people. We've just got to be positive!
Difficult to point out to just 1 thing, however it would the attitude of people. We've just got to be positive!
The best thing to change in India is Corrupt politicians...
If applied to the United States, I would say that I'd want to change the rampant selfishness that I think pervades the mentality of most people in our country, and at one time clearly did not.
I agree with Brent...in today's youth there seems to be a sense of entitlement, which wasn't present when I was growing up. We understood that we had to work hard for everything, which caused us to be decent and respectful individuals, especially to those around us who were more experienced.
I started to write a few different answers to this, ranging from ending homelessness, to truly separating church from State in political discourse. However, in the end, I think that if we could create a more caring society, we'd find a way to combat most problems. #empathy #culture
For me it is the attitude of the people to their lives and the government. People have to stop complaining and start acting toward the things they complain about. We have to be the change ourselves if we want the world to change. It takes time to change the politics, but we can start by changing ourselves and people around us, even if it is comfortable and easy.
это правильно
Corruption is without greed. So eliminate greed, it all plays out. I suppose free energy would do the trick.
Si hablara de España, y creo que puedo arriesgar y hablar de la mayoría del planeta, como dijo Brent, no ser tan egoístas. Pero creo que todas las respuestas podrían englobarse dentro de esta, ya que la mayoría de males vienen representados por el egoísmo. La avaricia, el poder y la conformidad todos vienen dados por el ego de cada uno. Necesitaríamos un cambio, y como dice Faab64, empezar por nosotros, cada cual intente cambiarse a si mismo.
i would eliminate every religion from my country and make it non religious..
corruption ugh ! it sucks
The weather. Winter is a living nightmare here. :D
complete equality for everyone (including sexuality and stuff)
also, no religious education in schools
In a heartbeat I would change the name of our country to Gina, after myself. That would never happen, so I would also like our politicians to implement a mining tax and carbon tax to raise more funds so that we can continue to contribute to foreign aid programs for developing nations and be a better global citizen.
Education, it really sucks around here..
selflessness. everyone is full of that "i, me or myself". this ain't gonna work if we all want to live in a better world.
The weather.. its pretty depressing
I'd like to change the culture of hypocrisy. Many people only pretend to be decent and moral, but are actually dishonest, disrespectful and corrupt. I'm not pertaining just to those in the government. It's everywhere. Especially in the workplace.
I would turn off some stupid TV-shows brainwashing the masses ;)
I would get rid of the crazy major news networks- and institute free higher education.
the war .. you can never imagine how bad it is until you live in it ..