
Us United States
(over 12 years ago)

How is your government healthcare working out?


Gb United Kingdom
(over 12 years ago)

Our government health care the NHS is something that we Brits should be proud of. You have a problem you get treated simple.Sometimes there is a waiting list for operations as such but in general the NHS system works.In Scotland for example there is minimum pricing for prescriptions or for some people they are free.If you can afford to go private you can also do that. I believe the NHS system works because if you are on a low income you are treated the same as anyone else.Is that the case in the USA as i have been told some horror stories if someone does not have insurance.


Us United States
(over 12 years ago)

Interesting. Thank you for your response, Ryan. I'm look forward to hearing more opinions on this as I have heard horror stories of socialized healthcare. We here in AMerica are in real need of some reform, but we don't all agree socializing it is the best way. Regulation insurance companies, I feel is the best way. We used to have the best healthcare in the world and it was private. It seems everything the government touches here (The Ferry system, Chevy Volt, mail, social security) triples the cost and produces half the output. Naturally it's scary to think of a government takeover of healthcare!


Se Sweden
(over 12 years ago)

Det fungerar ganska bra för oss. Denna konversation påminner mig om Daily Show video på Sverige från ett par år sedan. Är The Daily Show fortfarande populär i USA?


Us United States
(over 12 years ago)

Seems like one of the key points from ryan's response is "If you can afford to go private you can also do that." - providing a base standard level of care shouldn't be tied to your job or out of reach for those who can't afford private insurance. A big part of the problem with the US system is that as a private industry the profit motive for insurers, health management orgs, drug companies, etc. leads to its own set of inefficiencies and the rampant growth in costs that are crippling the current system.


Gb United Kingdom
(over 12 years ago)

You know that is why we have a thing called national insurance,that is why we pay taxes these things pay for doctors,nurses and hospitals.I don't know how the tax system works where you guy's are but could a percentage not go towards health care and that way poorer people who don't have insurance get treated i watched a television program about the USA where a working man could not afford an operation as it would cost thousands.I would like to think that someones health important than anything else. This is a program from the UK about American health insurance.Thank god we have the NHS! Please watch!

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