
Zw Zimbabwe
(over 12 years ago)

What is the impression out there about African and specifcally Zimbabwean food? We are interested in finding out

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Il Israel
(over 12 years ago)

I ate at an Ethiopian restaurant in NYC once and it was good :). It was unique in some ways. They had a type of spongy pita bread, and honey-wine from Axum. I have not seen many African restaurants anywhere else in the world, however :/.


Zw Zimbabwe
(over 12 years ago)

Its true. It seems the Ethiopian people have done well in getting out there and sharing their food around the world. I know in most countries where there are large communities of… Read more » Africans you can usually find spots where the food from home can be found but not as widely commercial restaurants etc... Are there communities of Africans in Israel? and from what countries? and would you seek out African Cuisine?


Il Israel
(over 12 years ago)

There are two large communities of Africans in Israel: Ethiopian Jews, and refugees from African countries - mostly Sudan. Unfortunately I have not seen many places that offer African Cuisine, but I'm sure there are many, and I would be interested in finding an Ethiopian restaurant.


Us United States
(over 12 years ago)

I have been to an Ethiopian restaurant in Seattle and really liked the food. The food was flavorful and it was fun to use my hands to put the food on my bread.


Zw Zimbabwe
(over 12 years ago)

Seems like there is a lot of Ethiopian food and restaurants out there. Do you think you would have the same food again and would you ever try to make it yourself? Please join our conversation on Facebook- Fudu - fu:du: and on Twitter @FuduZ to know more about African food and share with us what you know.

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